My sabbatical and travel journey

My sabbatical and travel journey

Because life gives you different opportunities

Do you know the time of your life when everything suddenly changes? For me it happened many times. The first time when I was 9 and my parents packed us three small kids, left everything behind and drove across the closed border from Poland to Germany. Then again in 2005 when I quit my job, packed up everything and bought a one way ticket to Australia. In 2015 when I divorced my husband leaving everything behind. And then again, Dec 2017, when my mum passed away and I decided to return back to Europe for a while.

I always enjoyed travelling and after working hard for many years I felt it was time for a break again. A well deserved break. End of 2017 seemed like a good time to stop and to look after my own well being again. Going back to Europe seemed like a good idea. After all, there is lots to see.

So this blog is about my new journey, my next new chapter in my life! I hope you enjoy reading my adventures as I am travelling through Europe and hopefully the world. In STYLE (of course)!

Enjoy and let me know your thoughts! I would love to hear from you.


(p.s. all photos are mine, unless otherwise stated, and all taken on my iPhone)

A road trip through my birth country Poland

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