Andalusia – from Ubeda to Seville, through the Olive Trees of Jaen

Andalusia – from Ubeda to Seville, through the Olive Trees of Jaen

After a few relaxing weeks, it was finally time for a longer roadtrip this year. Spain is the main focus of my travels over the next few months and I am very excited. Especially after seeing Granada already, I wanted to explore more of the state Andalusia. But what are the best spots to visit in Andalusia? Well, here is my first summary (there is more to come). I started with a drive from Altea to Ubeda and Baeza, through the Olive Trees of Jaen, to Córdoba and all the way to gorgeous Seville.

New year, new trips, new countries and almost two years of travels!

Province of Jaen

Let’s call it the forrest of Olive Trees of Jaen. As soon as you enter the Province of Jaen, you see endless fields of Olive Trees, as far as the eye can see (well, approx. 500,000 hectares & 60 million trees). I have never seen anything like it. And I have been to a few olive tree contries (for example Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, …).

It makes perfectly sense that the Province of Jaen is one of the biggest Olive Oil producers in the world. Alone this province produces more oil than the whole of Italy (and 20% of the world’s Olive Oil). That is to say, they certainly create a great landscape and scenery. Amazing!

Ubeda, Baeza and the town Jaen

Ubeda and Baeza are small but fine UNESCO towns in Andalusia. They display the amazing and grand era of the Renaissance times in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Ubeda is a great town and the old city part is very characteristic. The architecture is very unique and detailed and stands out in grandness amongst the local houses. And the orange trees add to the charm.

Sitting at almost 750m in altitude, both towns were quite cold in comparison to the Alicante Coast. A good reason to enjoy my winter coats for a bit longer then. And the view over the Olive Tree Fields is great!

What a great spot to break up the long drive.

Baeza is a little bit smaller and I briefly stopped there the next morning. And so, after a quick walk in Baeza’s tiny old town, I continued my journey to Jaen.

I only briefly stopped in Jaen, however I wasn’t a big fan of the town itself. Especially after seeing so many pretty spots already. But I did stock up on some local Olive Oil. I had to! After all, I was in the forrest of the Olive Trees of Jaen.


The city Cordoba definitely stood out for me. Once an important Roman city and a major Islamic center in the Middle Ages, it is now best known for the grand La Mezquita (a mosque dating from 784 A.D.). Stunning building!

From the old Roman bridge to the streets with the pretty white houses, Cordoba seemed well looked after by their inhabitants. It is a pretty town. That said, I would love to come back here in May, during the ‘Battle of the Flowers’. Apparently each home owner is in a ‘decorating competition’ for the price of the prettiest patio, balcony, house front… all with flowers. (See more here). I love the idea of it! May the prettiest one win.

But, even without the flowers, and in the middle of the winter, Cordoba is certainly worth the stop.

Above all however, one of bests spots to visit in Andalusia? …


Seville is the 4th biggest town in Spain and a great and vibrant city. From local restaurants to hip coffee shops, Seville had a young and urban feel. I could quite easily get lost in Seville for a few days, walking every street and corner of the old town. (Just don’t drive in… it took me forever to manoeuvre my car around the narrow streets to find the hotel car park).

Once in Seville you can’t miss a visit to the Cathedral of Seville (Catedral de Sevilla). I rarely pay entry fees to see Cathedrals (especially when you can get in for free in other countries.. e.g. the St. Peter’s in Vatican City), however, with only 10 Euros entry, the Cathedral in Seville is certainly worth the visit. Trust me! You won’t regret it!

Not to mention that the view from the top of the tower is breathtaking! Agree?

Best spots to visit in Andalusia

Andalusia is a big state and there are lots of places to see. But to sum up this trip: If you can, stop in Ubeda and Baeza on the way through, definitely spend a day or two in Córdoba, enjoying the architecture, and eat and shop in Seville! And the best of it all? The drive through the unbelievable amount of Olive Trees of Jaen. Remember to stock up on Olive Oil as well. How does that sound for a start? Stay tuned for more.

Now, it is time to head up north and then maybe west for a bit..

Best Spots to visit In Andalusia

(post 126)

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