Cinque Terre Italy – The Adventure continues – part 2

Cinque Terre Italy – The Adventure continues – part 2

Did you read my previous blog about hiking in Cinque Terre? I had so much to tell and so many photos to share, I decided to make two blogs out of my week in the most amazing spot in Europe, Cinque Terre Italy.

And I have seen a lot of Europe already. Click here for more.

… and then the adventure began …

As mentioned, after my three nights in Monterosso, I was eager to hop on the boat to Portovenere and enjoy the view of Manarola and Riomaggiore. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. The sky was blue, but the ocean was wild, leading to all boat trips being canceled. Who would have thought?

Oh well, traveling light with only my backpack and laptop, I decided to catch the train instead. Of course, the train didn’t go to Portovenere (I forgot about that part), only to La Spezia. From there I had to catch a bus to reach my final destination, Portovenere. Since I had already booked my ‘non-refundable’ accommodation, I decided to take my time. I had all day.

So, I stopped in Manarola first, then Riomaggiore, then La Spezia.


Cinque Terre Italy


Arriving in Manarola by train, I was glad I made the stop. Manarola was really really cute. Just as I read about it and hoped to see. It was the smallest of the five towns in Cinque Terre Italy, but also the prettiest. I would have stayed longer to enjoy a coffee and maybe breakfast, but I felt the need to keep moving. And avoid the crowds. So I took some photos, turned around and continued my train journey.

Riomaggiore was the next stop.

P.S. this is the place, next to Monterosso, I have taken the most photos.


Riomaggiore was probably my least favorite; it felt a bit neglected. It seemed older, smaller, and had less charm. Nevertheless, I walked around, took a photo, had lunch, and then caught the next train to La Spezia.

The train system is amazing here btw. I would highly recommend it.

Walking in La Spezia from the train station to the bus station, I enjoyed the feel of the big city and looked forward to returning here on Monday. However, once I arrived at Portovenere, I was happy. Portovenere (Porto Venere) was certainly my favourite spot out of all of them (I might have said it before). It felt more Italian and less touristy, than any of the other Cinque Terre Italy towns.

Well, given that the train doesn’t stop here, it wasn’t surprising.


Porto Venere was absolutely beautiful. I liked it from the moment I arrived and looked forward to spending two nights here. It had a more local vibe. Hardly anyone spoke English. I could have stayed here for a while if the weather would have been better.

That said, when I arrived, it was a sunny afternoon. And so I settled into a nice wine bar, watching people tanning on the rocks (there was no beach) and all the boats turning around, not wanting to leave the harbour. The ocean was still wild.

The next day I wanted to hike towards Riomaggiore, but it was raining, so I took a rest day, wrote my blog, and enjoyed some gelato. My last morning was sunny again, so I didn’t waste any time and went straight up the stairs first thing in the morning. After coffee of course. The path was wet and slippery, and steep of course, but the view of the port, the old fort, and the castle ruins was just amazing. What a morning!

Cinque Terre Italy was showing its best day yet!


I was looking forward to my last night in La Spezia as well, since I liked what I saw briefly before Portovenere, but it rained nonstop. I hardly took any photos and only went outside to get some food. Shame. I might have to come back on a sunny day.

And so…

My week hiking in Cinque Terre Italy and exploring the area might not have gone exactly as planned, but it was an amazing week that I thoroughly enjoyed. The hike, the towns, and the Italian food. It was a shame I didn’t get to walk the famous Via dell’Amore (the route between Manarola and Riomaggiore), which is apparently the only flat path. It will reopen in July (apparently) so I just missed it by a few weeks. Nevertheless I had a great time and I have seen all the five little towns in Cinque Terre Italy. And more.

Having had rain in Portovenere and La Spezia I was looking forward to go home again.

Only to repack to go on my next trip. And you’ll never guess where. I am very excited because I have two new countries to visit! So stay tuned! x

(post 194)

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