In Bruges… and Ghent… and Antwerp

In Bruges… and Ghent… and Antwerp

Belgium is a new country for me and since watching the popular movie ‚In Bruges‘ I had it on my list to visit. Like the Netherlands, Belgium is a smaller country and so I visited only three cities, on my way through to France. That said I might explore more on my way back. Especially since Ghent City and Bruges were just stunning. Of course there was some cycling in Belgium as well!

Ghent City
Ghent City


Antwerp was my first stop in Belgium and rather disappointing. My first impression? A city that has lots of fancy shops in a rather dirty surrounding. Coming from a very clean and well groomed country like the Netherlands, the city of Antwerp seemed very dirty and run down. The inner city was quite nice, nevertheless, the overall feel and look was rather unimpressive for me.

Luckily I went to Ghent next because Ghent convinced me that Belgium has lots to offer!


What a magnificent place Ghent City is. I have been to many cities in my travels and there aren‘t too many towns that are just made for photography. In Ghent however, I couldn‘t stop taking photos. The architecture and the design of the buildings was so unique that the city appeared more 3D than others. So, every corner and every street I walked in the old town, seemed to have a different view and perspective. Especially when the Gravensteen Castle suddenly appeared.

I fully enjoyed Ghent and would come back here any time.

It is a must see for everybody!

Cycling in Belgium

I must admit I have been spoiled with the bike paths in Netherlands. I still saw lots of people cycling in Belgium, however the routes are old and not very well signed. In addition the cars are less cautious of you as a cyclist. That said, Belgium is still a flat country and so I decided to cycle from my hotel in Aalter all the way to Bruges (approx. 27km) and back again.

I solved the dilemma of wanting to look stylish in Bruges but still be comfortable while riding by putting on my padded cycling shorts under my dress. Easy fix. The ride along the river was gorgeous. Except when I was being caught in the midst of a butterfly sanctuary and I had to walk the bike through it. Well, that is part of the outdoors adventures, isn’t it?

In Bruges

Bruges, another UNESCO World Heritage Site is a beautiful idyllic town. I won’t list a list of reasons why you should see it (as many other blogs do). After all, if you have seen or heard of the movie ‚In Bruges’ an introduction is not necessary. Just go and be amazed, walking the old town streets and passing way to many tempting Belgian Waffle stores. Personally I decided to sample plenty of Belgian Chocolate instead. Delicious!

And so…

The capital city, Brussel, is still on my list to see but I believe with Ghent and Bruges I have seen two of the most stunning cities in Belgium.

Small travel tip: If you do want to go to Antwerp anyway, go there first. Because after Antwerp it can only get better. And given that it is a flat country, I will be back for more cycling in Belgium as well! Xx

Ghent City
Ghent City

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