Diving in Phuket – Koh Mai Thon

Diving in Phuket – Koh Mai Thon

It has been a while since I went diving. 15 months ago, actually, in Turkey. (read more here)… So, how about scuba diving in Thailand? Well, spending my time in Phuket, there is no better place to organise a diving trip. From Koh Racha Noi to the Shark Point and King’s Wreck, there are a few spots to choose from. Depending on your ability and the weather of course, as with each diving trip you spend a bit of time on the boat. And so, together with the Aloha Diving team we (myself and three other divers) set off to Koh Mai Thon.

It was a small diving boat that takes max. 12 divers per trip. Perfect for me. Remember, I wasn’t a big fan of the big commercial diving boat back in Egypt.
So, let’s go scuba diving.

Koh Mai Thon sits 17 km and approx. one hour boat ride from the Chalong Pier. The diving site itself offers a few different sites ranging from 2 to 25m. Furthermore, with plenty of other sites to chose from when diving in Phuket, this one is very popular for beginners. Like myself! Apparently it is also a safe location during bed weather, and let’s say the ocean can be pretty unpredictable. What looked like a calm and peaceful morning at the Chalong Pier, turned into a bumpy and choppy boat ride to Koh Mai Thon. Did you say one hour?

Nevertheless, everybody was fine. Apparently it was worse a few days ago. So I have been told. Luckily!


Diving in Koh Mai Thon

As soon as we arrived it was pretty much ready, set, go. Hang on, I had to calm my nerves first! To say that I was nervous would be an understatement. I was super nervous! But I always am before a big activity. Once fully dressed I was ready to jump in. With my diving instructor waiting.

After all, I needed someone to tell me where to go!

Jumping into the water ready to dive


I had two dives. One in the morning, one in the afternoon. Even though the coral wasn’t too colourful, I saw lots of very colourful fish, small and big. Life under water is quite stunning and beautiful to observe. Shame I couldn’t take photos. My favourite spotting, amongst all however, was the ‘Crown of Thorns Starfish’! Click here if you’d like to see a picture. It was awesome!

Diving in Phuket is certainly a fun experience. Although it would have been nice if the water was a little bit clearer. Visibility was not the best due to the tidal nature of the area, but the sea life more than made up for it.

And so…

And so, after two 45min dives I was quite happy to be back above waters again. I am not an experienced diver and so it takes a lot of concentration for me to be under water. But I had a great and experienced team around me.

So, I can now tick off scuba diving in Thailand. Who knows where and when I go next! But never say never.

Personally, I think Koh Mai Thon was a good site for me to dive at. Especially since I could dive around the island shore and still see plenty of fish. And the best! I have finally a photo of me under water. Thank you Aloha Diving!

(post 154)

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