Hiking to Kampenwand – the German Alps

Hiking to Kampenwand – the German Alps

With all my previous hiking in the French and Swiss Alps, I thought it was once again time to hike the German Alps. After all, I haven’t done it since my Kehlsteinhaus hike almost two years ago (read here). So, how about hiking to Kampenwand near Chiemsee?

Finding a hike in the German Alps is very easy. You basically just pick the area (I chose Chiemsee), google ‘best hiking spots nearby’ and pick one that suits your fitness the best (from easy to intermediate and experienced). For me, hiking to Kampenwand sounded perfect. It was a 14km loop, 5-6 hours and approx. 840m in altitude.

P.S. I use the Outdooractive website a lot. It has a great selection of different hikes with all the necessary details.

Hiking to Kampenwand

Although the official starting point of the hike is the Aigen carpark (at 815m), I started the hike 2km below (parking my car just after the Seiseralm Restaurant). I wanted to add a few extra kilometres to the overall hike.

For this hike, I just followed the sign towards Goriloch/Kampenwand, via Schlechtenberg Alm and Steinlingalm (at 1450m). It was great to be out and about again. The hike up to the Steinlingalm was quite easy and enjoyable. From cows to cyclists, it was a great workout that others decided to take on as well. (Although the cows seemed more relaxed). It was certainly a perfect day for it!


After the Steinlingalm, the real hike began. The last 216m in altitude, hiking to the Kampenwand peak, required concentration, a steady foot and definitely good fitness. There was even a sign warning about dizziness (and yes, I could feel it). It is a rocky and, at parts, a straight up path.

Looking down I definitely didn’t feel like wanting to go the same way back again. But, there were plenty of other hiking enthusiasts, going up and down, so there was no way around it.

The Peak

Although the last part of hiking to Kampenwand was quite challenging, this kind of hike (or rather climb) is always my favourite part. I love using my whole body, climbing up rocks. The workout it requires, makes me feel like arriving at the peak and looking at the stunning view is even more rewarding. Especially when overlooking the German Alps

There is just no better spot to have a rest than at the top of a mountain.

Once I was down the steep part again, slow and steady, one foot after another, looking up one last time, at the cross on the peak, I felt amazing and happy. What an awesome hike! So, following the sign back to the Aigen carpark, after almost 6 hours, my hiking to Kampenwand loop was complete.

Now, it was time to swim in the Chiemsee. And that was definitely refreshing.

What a great way to enjoy the warm late summer days mid September! Especially as I write this, the temperature dropped quite a lot with potential snow fall in the Alps already.

(post 149)

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