Revisiting Milan and Florence in August 2020

Revisiting Milan and Florence in August 2020

I couldn’t believe I was back in Italy, revisiting the main cities Milan and Florence in August. Will it be busy or quiet? Will I get inside the Florence museums this time?

With the first stop at lake Maggiore, what started as an exciting hiking trip through the Swiss and French Alps (read about it here) ended up as a sunny detour to Italy. My trip to Milan and Florence in August was amazing… until I got robbed in Rome!

Yes, this roadtrip has certainly been adventurous. You should definitely read my next blog about Rome and the robbery here.

Lake Maggiore

I last visited Lake Como in December 2019, and had a great time at Lake Garda only a few months ago. So, being one of the top three, there was only Lake Maggiore left. Finding a decently priced accomodation however, in peak season, was a challenge.

So I based myself on the smaller lake ‘Lago Di Comabbio’, only a few Kilometers from lake Maggiore. Overall, I had a few nice days swimming in Lake Maggiore, as well as cycling and running around Lake Comabbio (although cycling in Italy still wasn’t ideal). That said, it was a nice start to my Italian trip. Let’s keep going…

Driving to Florence via Milan

Big cities without the crowds are great! And as I had such an amazing time in Paris just a few weeks ago, I was keen to see whether Milan and Florence in August were the same. After all, there are still no tourists around, and many locals are away. Hence, it should be easier to get tickets to some of the main attractions, shouldn’t it? Let’s see.

Florence City Italy


Milan was really empty, although I think it was mainly due to the holiday month August. Most shops were closed and I could park right in the inner city. There was no traffic.

So, I headed straight to the Milan Cathedral, the Duomo Di Milano.

This stunning dome is really one of the main reasons to come to Milan. Did you know it took nearly six centuries to complete (1386-1965). However, I felt the inside was a little bit underwhelming. Especially after seeing amazing cathedrals in France not so long ago (I still have to write about that trip).

It was nice to be back in Milan, but I still prefer other cities in Italy. (Verona, for example is one of them). So, besides visiting a few open shops, and some lunch, I was basically in and out of Milan within a few hours. I think last time I was here, it was only for a brief time as well. Let’s go to Florence.

Unfortunately I couldn’t get tickets to see the ‘Last Supper’, so I will still have to come back again!


I really love Florence. There is a certain vibe and style in this city that makes it very likeable. Furthermore, amongst the old town, filled with history, art and architecture sits the most stunning Cathedral, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.

It is such a unique gothic style, I could not take enough photos. Every angle, every aspect and every shade of light makes this stunning brickwork look different. Especially since it has been cleaned up. It is just beautiful!


The Museums of Florence

As it was too busy last time, I was very keen to visit the museums of Florence. The Uffizi museum, one could say, is a must, was a little bit disappointing. Especially since the main attractions, the Renaissance era and the famous ‘Birth of Venus’ painting by Botticelli, were closed for renovations. What a shame. I wish someone would have told me before purchasing the tickets online. Oh well.

I did see another Michelangelo though.

Paining Michelangelo - Uzzefi museum

The Galleria dell’Accademia was next and although it is only a small museum, standing in front of the grand David statue was certainly a highlight (and still without the crowds).

I have always been a fan of Michelangelo. Have you? Either way, make sure to make as stop here.

The David Statue in Italy

Relaxing at Lake Maggiore and the trip to Milan and Florence in August has been great. I enjoyed the culture, style and Italian food, of course! And after a few hot but unique days in Florence it was time to head to Rome. And then disaster stroke… but more on that in the next blog here. Arrivederci!!

(post 147)

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