Travelling to Thailand amid Coronavirus

Travelling to Thailand amid Coronavirus

So, I have made it to Thailand (pic above from 2 years ago). After many months and weeks of finalising all the paperwork, I was finally able to fly. From the visa application to waiting on the Covid test, as well as seeing the empty airports and planes, this year is certainly unique. Travelling to Thailand amid Coronavirus was an experience worth writing about. (read more below…)

Normally I wouldn’t necessarily write a blog about flying but this trip was so surreal, I had to share it with you. The crazy year of Covid!

So, let’s start from the beginning. The overall application process took a few weeks, if not a month, so I based myself in Nürnberg (Nuremberg), enjoying some nice autumn days in this gorgeous city before leaving.

Nürnberg City (Nuremberg)

Nuremberg is Bavaria’s second largest city and certainly well known for its medieval old town as well as the imperial castle. From the home of Gingerbread, to the famous Christmas Markets, Nuremberg is a pretty and charming city. Here, you can find a mix of past and present, combined in a perfect way.

As part of my exercise routine I walked the city wall at least 3 times per week (one loop is approx. 7km).

Worth visiting is also the ‘Reichstag’, or Dokumentationszentrum. A place for Hitler’s Nazi Rallies from 1933 – 1938. Besides the history inside the building, it is also great to walk the surrounding park. Did you know about the ‘Grosse Strasse’? (another historical part of Nurnberg)

Although I am more of a Munich girl, Nuremberg is definitely worth a visit.

Let’s continue with my travels to Bangkok…


Travelling to Thailand amid Coronavirus

Remember my crazy escape from the lockdown in Spain, driving back to Germany amid Coronavirus (read here)? Well, traveling to Thailand amid Coronavirus was almost as exciting and crazy. Because, until I arrived, I was never certain all would go according to plan.

That said, I had a rather valuable (and personal) reason to go to Thailand, so my most important step was receiving the ‘Certificate of Entry’ (CoE) from the Thai Embassy. But, where to start?


What you need to know!

As much as the internet would like to tell you that there are many options to travel to Thailand, there is only one proper way that works currently. Via the Thai Embassy! Read here on some of the German/Thai Embassy requirements.

It took me a few weeks to figure out that the only way to get the process going, is to turn up at the Embassy in person. I wish someone would have told me beforehand. I sent emails first but I never knew if they were actually received (there was no reply) nor how long I should wait to hear back. Where they even open? Once I visited the Thai Consulate in person, providing all the necessary documents (and even that took a few trips), the process was quite quick.

So, after booking my flights, receiving the CoE from the Embassy, a ‘fit to fly’ stamp from the Doctor and providing a negative Covid test, I was ready to fly. Almost…

Did I mention I had to postpone my flight by a day, due to not receiving the covid test results on time? I had to ask for a new CoE as well? It was a bit of a challenge to be within the 72 hours of testing, and having it back on time. What a journey so far.

Munich Airport

Arriving at the Munich Airport was really surreal. The usually busy airport was totally empty. Shops and check-in counters were shut, and there were literally no people around. Like a ghost town. However, that also meant there were no queues and the check-in process was rather simple. Travelling to Thailand amid Coronavirus has also some advantages.

What to know: Make sure you have all the documents printed out and with you. From the travel insurance to the certificates and additional forms required by the airline (check on the website of the airline you fly). In addition, I had everything double, in case they take a copy away.

Munich Airport - Travelling to Thailand amid Coronavirus


Arriving in Bangkok

After a stopover in Doha and wearing a mask + a plastic face shield throughout the two flights, I arrived in Bangkok. And although the Doha airport was a bit more alive, the Bangkok airport was totally empty. Even though I arrived in the afternoon. Given the empty airport, the line up of the people, dressed in white overalls, waiting for me and the other 15 passengers, certainly stood out. I felt like was in some sort of an apocalyptic movie.

Did I just arrive in Space?

The whole check-in process at the airport was like a robotic process. I have never had my documents checked so many times. The airport staff, in their white and blue overalls, were guiding everybody on where to go, where to sit, where to wait. Each checking my documents thoroughly. Luckily I had a few copies spare.

Furthermore, as my visa was based on a medical reason, my ride from the airport was with the Ambulance. I had to take a photo, it was so strange. At least I knew I was safe.

So, I was finally in Bangkok. Let the 14 day quarantine start. Last time I was here it was two years ago (read here) so I am looking forward to walk the streets of Bangkok again.

Although, nothing is as it was anymore!

Btw. last year I spent European winter in Spain (read here). This year it is Thailand. And because many ask me why Thailand. Well, why not?

Bangkok - The capital City of Thailand
Photo from two years ago

(post 150)

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